Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Starting is hard

I follow a lot of blogs and always wanted to start one of my own. But:
1. Starting is hard
2. Carrying on is hard
3. Identifying something unique to offer is hard.

I have no kids, no dogs, no political leanings that I'm particularly willing to share in a venue like this, no spectacular achievements (other than marrying the right man). But I do read a lot of other people's blogs and I'm sure they wonder who on earth I am when I leave a comment. I thought that if I at least have this post, they'll understand that I'm just a curious person interested in how people live their lives. I'm not a stalker, deviant, pervert, terrorist, or any of those things that people seem to worry about. If you saw me on the street you'd probably think I sell sandwiches for a living. Which is a good thing. I like the idea of being able to feed strangers.


Crystal said...

Thank you for commenting.. it is so neat to see where everyone is from!!

Rookie said...

I love this post - just discovered it! You are so insightful and humble. I too often think about the beautiful simplicity of being able to feed strangers by cooking or just putting cheese between slices of bread.

krissy knox said...

Hi, Novabella! Thank you so much for commenting in my blog! To start writing a blog, if you want it to be about a particular subject, choose a subject (niche) you are passionate about and know you could write about several times a week and not get bored, but love doing. Let me see if I can leave you with a few posts that explain how to choose a good "niche."
If that's not enough information then put in the google search information something like this: how do i find a good blog niche?
And by the way, thanks a billion for coming to my blog. I have a little red flashlight and carry it in my purse also! For real! Aren't they so shiny and pretty! Mine is bright red. Please visit my blog again. and let me know if you need any help with yours!
krissy knox :)
my main blog:
Sometimes I Think
let's connect on Twitter: http://twitter.com/iamkrissy
how about friends on FB? www.facebook.com/krissyknox

krissy knox said...

hi, novabella, it's krissy knox again. i just thought i would visit you again. i'm wondering how you are doing. i was just reading my previous comment i read to you.

i think i'll come from a different angle now. another way you could write a blog is to just write about your life. as long as it doesn't feel "weird" to you, or to "exposing". you don't need to feel you don't have anything "important" to say. everybody is important. some of the most interesting blogs are from simple folk. so just write what is from your heart, about your life. or write a "fun" blog! or like i said earlier, you can pick a subject to write about, if you want to be a little less personal...

whatever you decide to do, remember, you can always come to my blog, and leave a comment saying you need help. i will try to find the comment and help you back. also on my blog page is my email address. uhm, to find my blog, well i'll just give it to you here: http://sometimesithink-krissy.blogspot.com Stop by anytime you want!

okay, i hope you are doing well. take care of your self,

krissy knox :)

Linda said...

Hello! You are so clever!
Thanks for visiting and I hope you come back often. I have met a lot of friends through the world of blog. I have kept a journal - and still do- a handwritten journal - for 27 years. I started blogging for my friends and family - and myself - and have enjoyed it so much!
Life is too short to do something you don't enjoy! So read, write, be as involved as YOU want to be! The world of blog should be fun!

Thnaks for visiting!

Kimberly King said...

Thank you for the sweetest comments. I appreciate hearing from you!

Kimberly King said...
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