Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Starting is hard

I follow a lot of blogs and always wanted to start one of my own. But:
1. Starting is hard
2. Carrying on is hard
3. Identifying something unique to offer is hard.

I have no kids, no dogs, no political leanings that I'm particularly willing to share in a venue like this, no spectacular achievements (other than marrying the right man). But I do read a lot of other people's blogs and I'm sure they wonder who on earth I am when I leave a comment. I thought that if I at least have this post, they'll understand that I'm just a curious person interested in how people live their lives. I'm not a stalker, deviant, pervert, terrorist, or any of those things that people seem to worry about. If you saw me on the street you'd probably think I sell sandwiches for a living. Which is a good thing. I like the idea of being able to feed strangers.